Local Tarrant County Residents Gather to Support the Needy at HIM Center Event

Thank you to our Sponsors and everyone who came out Saturday in their best and most prized 80’s attire to support the HIM Center and the people of Tarrant county.
The event, coined “Back to the 80s Prom”, highlighted the important work the HIM Center is doing for those undergoing unforeseen economic difficulties – families hit hard by circumstances beyond their control who come to HIM Center for fresh and healthy groceries.
The event kicked off with a real-life testimony from “John”, who grew up in various orphanages, going from place to place, without a stable upbringing. He stressed the importance of the work the HIM Center is doing for not just families, but also youth who lack a solid path in life.
We also heard stories from “Anna” and “Megan” about their hopeful experience with HIM Center. Anna experienced a traumatic layoff after getting sick and needed help just to survive. HIM Center helped Anna and her four grandchildren currently living with her.
Megan experienced a series of tragic events in her life, including sexual abused while in the military service and abuse from her 1st husband and 2nd husband, the murder of her father, and then a traumatic car accident, which forced her to resign from her job. Megan was dealing with an emotional hurricane and didn’t have help with just the basic necessities for her and her family. HIM Center made sure she and her family had the food and items they needed to make it through the storm.
All event proceeds will benefit the deserving families and needy in Tarrant County.
If you were unable to attend and would like to support those in need, we invite you to partner with us by donating online. You may also mail a check to
HIM Center
150 S. Sixth Ave.
Mansfield, TX 76063
We thank you for serving those in need in Tarrant County.